Saturday, April 21, 2007

Doodling and the Soul Seek

Thought of sharing these two pieces of my amateurish doodle with all a while back, but didn’t get around to it till today. Both were done on the same evening about a month back when I was silently walloping in what seems like a perpetual glum. I was trying to fill the void in my soul by attempting to do some artwork to ease my rollercoaster like emotion back then by distracting myself with some sketching and doodling when I came up with these two pieces.

Tell me frankly what you all think of it so I may furt
her improve myself. Kinda childish isn’t it... I mean the artworks. I personally like the second attempt better – the bishie. The first one (Farinelli) was kinda rough and I blame it on the wrong size pen I opted for the outlining – the lines are a little too thick and dark. Hence, the unrefined look produced. The scanning result wasn't very kind to the artwork's appeal either - as you should be able to notice here at the unrefined lines produced on the images.

Doodle # 1: Farinelli (Sketch in Pencil)

Doodle # 1: Farinelli (Outlined in Ink)

Doodle # 2: Bishie (Sketch in Pencil)

Doodle # 2: Bishie (Outlined in Ink)

Dear all,

Been missing you all very much. Sorry for being so quiet for the past month and for not visiting you guys/gals much. At times I did dropped by but most of the time, refrained myself from making any comments at all as I don’t really trust myself with words at that period as I felt that I wasn’t in my right state of mind.

This post is my first attempt in returning to the blogsphere once again. And it felt right. I really did miss you all and I am currently trying to catch up on the happenings of each and every blog I came to treasure.

Happy blogging everyone.

PS: I shall also try to finish all those long overdued memes tags I got. Tee hee hee. Sorry people, for the long wait.