1st Anniversary of, "A Hermit's Muse"
Hi there peeps! I am back. And tomorrow is my blog’s 1st Anniversary. Hence, I am now dedicating this post to my beloved blog. So, Happy 1st Anniversary to Hermit's Muse!!!

A Walk Down the Memory Lane
Humbly yours started this blog on 15th July 2006 last year after much self-conflicting deliberation and courage gathering. Actually, I had amazed myself by reaching this 1-year milestone… didn’t thought I could have lasted so long when I first started it.
I could still very much recall my first post entry, lamenting on my lack of writing skill and ze self-bashing for my crazy notion of starting a blog. Yeah, I was that low in my self-esteem at that point of time. I am proud to say that I have changed… more aptly put – EVOLVED. I have grown to be more self-assured and learned to speak my mind plus, am not as shy as before. LOL. I could still pretty much remember the countless times I had bugged my dearest old friend, Gina (she’s the one that had inspired as well as encouraged me to blog) for assurances on my writings *laugh* as well as to how and what to say in one of my fan-email to a fellow blogger I had admired so much (I still am missing him even till now tho). Gina-san, I take this opportunity to express my utmost thanks to you for making this blog a reality. Domo arigatogozaimashita.
Reflections – Lessons thru Blogging
The biggest benefit I had experienced from blogging is that it opens up my perspective, changed the way I perceive others as well as my own self. It seems that by having a blog, I could see my inner self clearer… it’s like giving my inner self a voice of its own and thus, enabling me to re-evaluate things in a way I never did before. By doing this, I came to realized what I actually wanted in life… what I needed to pursue and what I should not waste precious time harping on.
I would say, in a way, blogging is like putting a mirror in front of you… helping you to see those minute but important details we often failed to notice before. Assisting us in sorting out those of importance and those insignificant ones.
To sum it up, the strength and new knowledge I had gain through blogging had lead me to a rapid inner growth and self-discovery. Plus, I have also learned to make peace with myself.
I must say the once shy and unsure hermit has found her voice again. Cheers!
Selective Posts that makes this Muse
Itchy Butt Dilemma
I am bringing this post up because it’s the highest hit post. And most of the hits came from search engines referrals. It boggles me really as to why so many people actually searched for the keyword, “itchy butt”. I get visitors to this particular post almost every day. Now that’s something to muse about. LOL.
Chef for the Day ( In-house Pizza Pancakes )
Now, this particular post marks the first time this hermit (yours truly) shows up in a photo. Not forgetting also that it is also the first time I blogged about food and cooking. Yeah, I can’t really cook. My cooking is edible by human beings but that’s just that, fullstop.
Losing Sense of Self
This post marks the first time I came close to stripping and baring my soul to all due to one of the usual bouts of household bickering.
Top Five Favorite Movies -- I've been tagged!
I kinda like this post as I really enjoyed writing this particular meme and on top of that, it was my first time being tagged. Hence, it was a meme post by a Virgin-Meme-Blogger (VMB).
The Ultimate Confrontation
Now this one is the one I that had impacted my life so much that it shifted my whole perspective and aim in life. It’s the turning point and a cross road of my life. Whenever I felt weak in my resolution at any given time, I would recall what I have written and promised myself in this post. It had never failed to push me on again and face my challenges with courage.
Doing the Maths
Ze main sum of all sums, ze Hermit has matured in terms of writing, thinking and interacting. Just take a look at my first post and make the comparison, you would be able to deduce what I meant by that. LOL. At that time, someone had actually told me I write my post like a screenplay. I have to thank him for making that comment. It helped me to improve a lot. I am not saying I am great at writing now, but at least it is more palatable.
Errr… again, this Muse has inadvertently written another long winded post. But hey, this is after all my dedication to my beloved blog right *wink*.
Lastly, I thank you everyone for being a friend and for being so supportive when I am down and also for all the encouragements and sharing.

A Walk Down the Memory Lane
Humbly yours started this blog on 15th July 2006 last year after much self-conflicting deliberation and courage gathering. Actually, I had amazed myself by reaching this 1-year milestone… didn’t thought I could have lasted so long when I first started it.
I could still very much recall my first post entry, lamenting on my lack of writing skill and ze self-bashing for my crazy notion of starting a blog. Yeah, I was that low in my self-esteem at that point of time. I am proud to say that I have changed… more aptly put – EVOLVED. I have grown to be more self-assured and learned to speak my mind plus, am not as shy as before. LOL. I could still pretty much remember the countless times I had bugged my dearest old friend, Gina
Ze main sum of all sums, ze Hermit has matured in terms of writing, thinking and interacting. Just take a look at my first post and make the comparison, you would be able to deduce what I meant by that. LOL. At that time, someone had actually told me I write my post like a screenplay. I have to thank him for making that comment. It helped me to improve a lot. I am not saying I am great at writing now, but at least it is more palatable.
Lastly, I thank you everyone for being a friend and for being so supportive when I am down and also for all the encouragements and sharing.
Happy 1st anniversary, Kleio!!
Here's to many more *cheers!*
Happy 1st Anniversary to your Hermit's Muse! Your blog is definitely getting better and better. Hope there's more to come!:)
Hey.. I didn't realize it has been a year since you started your blog! Congratulations!
Always remember. You are worth it. Never ever think you don't deserved to be happy.
I wish you could do something more for yourself though.
Happy 1st Anniversary!!!
You wrote wonderfully even from you first post. I've always enjoyed reading all your posts.
Here's to 2nd anniversary and beyond.
btw, I said 'you're welcome' in your previous post because you wrote domo arigato hahaha
Hey, you've been awarded the Rockin' Girl Blogger! :p
Happy 1st anniversary, let's party :P
One year in blog years is like 5 human years lidat I think, my blog still not chyet 1 year old.
Happy Birthday! Sometimes your posts are quite long, but it is full of passion and courage. Nice to express through blog!
* My blog is just 7 months old, can he call you big sister? And he is not as popular as you, with pagerank 0 only....
Thank you Tine for the well wishes. Kanpai!
Sweet Kok, thanks alot *tears of joy*.
Your encouragement means alot.
Gina san:
Domo arigatogozaimashita. Ureshii desyo.
Yeah, I guess time does fly. "I am worth it" LOL. Sounds so much like that LOREAL advertisement tagline. I am really happy to have a supportive friend like you.
Don't worry for me ok. I AM doing something for me.
Youkoso Che-cheh san.
A, sou desuka (is it?). Domo arigatogozaimashita.
You've made my day with your kind words.
LOL. Yeah, I now know of that nihongo phrase already.
Oh my! *jumping with joy* Ah, thank you so much. I shall wear it with pride. Will be posting it up tomorrow.
You have made my day too ;) TQ for this lovely award. You are also a ROCKIN' GIRL BLOGGER to me.
Yay, lets bogey bogey and shake our booty.
Ah, I am suprised, you blog not chet one year old? But your blog so rocks gal.
Thank you *bow bow*. Yea, I realised my post is rather long winded. But, it's just that, when I write I let my heart dictates me. Hence, the flow of words upon words. Like spilling a dam.
Your blog is great too. *Blushed* my blog aren't that popular as you say. But I thank you for your kind comments.
To me, it's not really on popularity, it on the quality of friends made ;) And I thank you for being my friend.
(i would say more if not for my utter loathing of that ugly mouth-less cat)
Ah, thanks Stev!
Sorry that the mouthless cat offended you tho :( Are you a cat hater per chance? LOL. My hubby hates cats. Sigh... but I love em.
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